Vasculitis & All Other Adult Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases

Vasculitis & All Other Adult Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases

Vasculitis involves inflammation of the blood vessels. The inflammation can cause the walls of the blood vessels to thicken, which reduces the width of the passageway through the vessel. If blood flow is restricted, it can result in organ and tissue damage.

There are many types of vasculitis, and most of them are rare. Vasculitis might affect just one organ, or several. The condition can be short term or long lasting.

Vasculitis can affect anyone, though some types are more common among certain age groups. Depending on the type you have, you may improve without treatment. Most types require medications to control the inflammation and prevent flare-ups.


General signs and symptoms of most types of vasculitis include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • General aches and pains
Other signs and symptoms are related to the parts of the body affected, including:
  • Digestive system. If your stomach or intestines are affected, you may experience pain after eating. Ulcers and perforations are possible and may result in blood in the stool.
  • Ears. Dizziness, ringing in the ears and abrupt hearing loss may occur.
  • Eyes. Vasculitis can make your eyes look red and itch or burn. Giant cell arteritis can cause double vision and temporary or permanent blindness in one or both eyes. This is sometimes the first sign of the disease.
  • Hands or feet. Some types of vasculitis can cause numbness or weakness in a hand or foot. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet might swell or harden.
  • Lungs. You may develop shortness of breath or even cough up blood if vasculitis affects your lungs.
  • Skin. Bleeding under the skin can show up as red spots. Vasculitis can also cause lumps or open sores on your skin.